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A small group for 6-9 year olds supporting a home-education curriculum

This group meets from 9-3 Tuesdays - Thursdays at Acorns. Taught by inspirational tutors  we offer a broad and varied curriculum with developing emotional literacy and restorative justice at it’s heart.


Just some of the activities we teach are: nature connection, gardening, phonics, maths, literacy, art and design and music.

Parents do not stay for this group but we fully support the separation process.


We begin our day at 9am with a morning circle; this is a really important part of our day as it allows us to 'check in' with each other and share anything about our day. The children are encouraged to share with the group how they are feeling and to listen and respond sensitively to others in the group.

After morning circle, we take part in yoga or active game to get our bodies moving.

On Tuesday's our whole day is spent in the woodlands exploring nature, deepening our connection to nature and taking part in outdoor learning/bush-crafts. On Wednesday and Thursday mornings our focus is developing our key skills in phonics, maths and literacy. Our learning is often very creative based and we regularly use our beautiful outdoor surroundings in our learning time. 

Around half way through the morning we share a snack together and play.

After lunch, n Wednesday's we usually spend time in the woods deepening our connection to nature. On Thursday afternoons we spend time in the garden, singing and making music.

We end our days with a closing circle to reflect on our day before parents collect from the classroom.

Rhythm of the Day for Roots

People who work with Roots


Mel supports us in Roots every day and teaches us yoga.


Kay teaches us on Wednesday and Thursday mornings.


Sharona supports us when needed.


Melissa teaches us on Thursday afternoons.


Sam teaches us on Tuesdays all day and Wednesday afternoons.


Joanna will be teaching us on Wednesday afternoons whilst Sam is away.


Felix will be teaching us on Tuesdays whilst Sam is away.

© 2016 by Kay Astle for  Acorns, Oakwood

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